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West Town Lane Academy

Where the learning journey is an adventure

KS1 and KS2 Choir

Follow that star (performance track).mp3

I Wish it Could be Christmas Every Day

Counting Down to Christmas

Si njay njay

True Colours

You will need to know these songs off-by-heart so please practice as much as you can. We are always singing the 'voice 1' parts when there are two parts.

Date: Friday 2nd December

Location: St George’s, Great George St, Bristol BS1 5RR

Arrival: 09:45am

Rehearse: 10:00-12:00

Lunch: (Children should bring a packed lunch which they can eat in designated areas between 12:00 and 1:00pm)

Perform: 1:30pm-2:30pm

Depart: 2:30pm-2:40pm (larger numbers of children may need slightly longer to be ready for their coach)

Dress:  Children should wear black shoes, black skirt or trousers and either a plain green or plain red top.  Santa hats optional!
