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West Town Lane Academy

Where the learning journey is an adventure

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Back Row: Mr Burtonshaw, Mr Thomas, Mr Todd and Miss Jones

Front Row: Mrs Cole and Mrs Hibbitt



We hope you are having a lovely Easter break. After the holidays, we will be starting a new enquiry titled 'How do animals and plants adapt to suit their environment?' This science-based enquiry focuses on plant and animal adaption, evolution and influential scientists and naturalists within the field of evolution.


Below you will find the Medium Term Plan for Term 5. We aim to stick to this as closely as possible throughout the term but there may be a few changes as we go along.

Year 6 will now have PE lessons with both Mr Evans and Mr Boon and they will focus on:

Physical Skills

Dynamic Balance to Agility - Jumping to Landing

Static Balance - One Leg


Year 6 PE days are:

6B - Tuesday pm

6T - Friday pm

6J - Friday pm


PE Kit Reminders:

White t-shirt

Shorts, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or skorts - black or navy



Dates for your diary:

15th April - Beginning of the Term

23rd and 24th April - Careers Day

6th May - Early May Bank Holiday

13th - 16th May - SATs Week

24th May - INSET Day


Back to School Night Slides

Your class teachers are:

Miss Jones (6J)

Mr Burtonshaw (6B)

Mr Thomas and Mr Todd (6T)

Mr Evans (PE)

Mr Boon (PE)

Our support staff include:

Mrs Cole

Mrs Hibbitt



It is important that the children in Year 6 are reading as much as possible. This will help improve their stamina and comprehension in preparation for secondary school. It is expected that a child reads with an adult at home at least 3 times a week. This might be only reading a page and then discussing some of the following areas: characters, setting, plot line, language used, inference skills, author intent etc. These discussions can sometimes be more beneficial than reading a whole chapter. If you have any questions regarding reading activities you can be doing with your child, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.



Please try to ensure your child arrives at 8:55 am ready for doors opening. Can you ensure your child has brought a full water bottle (at least 500ml). If you have a message for the class teacher, please email it to the office and they will pass it on. We are not able to stand at the door to discuss issues at registration time.


End of day:

We will release children to their respective adults from the classroom door at 3.25pm. If you wish your child to walk home alone, or even just to meet you at the edge of the school grounds somewhere, you will need to complete the online permission form. We recommend doing this even if you don’t want your child to walk home alone; it just means that you do not have to be physically present right at the classroom door.



A reminder to all parents and carers: please encourage your children to use the TTRockstar App as much as possible; just 10 minutes a day can have an impact on their times table knowledge. If there are any problems with the app or you have misplaced a log-in, please let your class teacher know! Maybe this term your child’s class will win the cup! 



Homework is in and out every THURSDAY. This will be linked to the weekly learning and taken from the CGP books the children will be given at the beginning of the year. This is to be marked with an adult at home prior to handing in. 

The children will also be given five questions from the wider curriculum to answer and will be set ten spellings from the Year 5/6 spelling list. These will be tested on Thursday.

We will also expect your child to have practised at least two types of question from the previous week’s arithmetic test.