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West Town Lane Academy

Where the learning journey is an adventure

Rights Respecting Schools

Rights Respecting Schools (RRS)




We are very proud to be a ‘Rights Respecting School.’ We have been involved with this UNICEF initiative for many years, and are proud to be awarded ‘Level 2’, the highest award available. This fits perfectly with our ethos at WTLA, providing children with a breadth of learning and experience and setting high expectations. As a school we celebrate and value all the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).



Our Rights Respecting Team

Our team consists of; Ellie Whiddington (Deputy Head), Elaine Wilson (Governor), Sally Thomas-Gibbs (Specialist Reading Teacher), Laura Woodland (Year 4 Class Teacher) please contact the office if you have any questions or ideas about our rights respecting school work. 


Who are UNICEF?

UNICEF ( United Nations Children's Fund) are a global charity who protect and support children. They do this by:    
  • upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child.     
  • continuing to be a driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realised. 
  • advocating for lasting change for children.       
  • believing that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress.       
  • working to ensure equality for those who are discriminated against.

For more information about Rights Respecting Schools at WTLA please read this short guide:

Meet this year's Rights Action Group members!


We have recently said thank you to our 2023 RAG group who worked hard throughout the year making sure our school has done everything it can to support children's rights.  We have to continue the good work that is already in place to maintain our gold accreditation.
We meet regularly and the children are in charge of spreading the Rights Respecting language and ethos throughout the school. Each RAG member has a buddy from a different year group, encouraging friendships across age ranges and supporting younger RAG members. This doesn't mean they are the only children who follow the ethos of 'Respect' all our children and staff are aware of this and work hard to make our school inviting and welcoming with a safe atmosphere.
The pupil committee are also responsible for organising fundraisers to support children accessing their rights both locally and globally.  Recently we had the privilege of supporting two local foodbanks and organised a collection before Christmas to support our wider community.


This year we are looking forward to doing even more exciting RAG events. Currently, our RAG group are exploring their roles as Right's Holders and discovering more about the A,B,C,D,E of rights. We meet every Monday morning and this is an opportunity for the children to learn more about their rights, to get involved in planning events and to share any concerns or ideas which have appeared in their rag boxes.  

Our Book Competition!


This term and next the RAG group are running a competition to read a book and write a review linking the book to children's rights. Each review must be on a review sheet and given to Miss Woodland or Mrs T-G by Friday 19th July. Please ask your teachers to pass these on. Review sheets will be placed in Libraries and sent to teachers. 


There will be four winners and they will receive a prize at the end of the school year.


If you receive any entries please can you give them to Mrs T-G or Miss Gibbs.


If you need a review sheet, find them in the library, or click below.

Climate action plan


One of the things our RAG group work on regularly is our climate action plan.  Have a look at the plan we've been working on over the last two years, children regularly update the actions as it is a love document.

Our Rights Action Groups are busy with a number of projects this year. Watch this space for more information!




Here are some of the exciting things our Rights Action Group have done over the past few years!



Our Partnership with Arbour Care Home


As part of our commitment to helping children understand their local communities and their role as global citizens, West town Lane has formed a new partnership with Arbour Care Home on Hungerford road.

Throughout the year, events will be planned to help the residents of the care home, many of whom have dementia, to feel less isolated.

Spring Trip

Our first trip took all of the RAG group to meet the residents and they shared a tea party, played games and spoke to them about their lives. It was so lovely to see new intergenerational friendships and the residents really enjoyed the energy and enthusiasm of our students. It was a lovely day with an abundance of smiles and laughter and we look forward to more events like it in the future. 


Child shares toy with elderly man


As you can see, the children had a wonderful time and they are looking forward to further events to come. 


If you would like to volunteer your time when the school does trips the the care home, please let Miss Woodland know via the school office. Having parent helpers can really help make sure these events can take place again in the future. 


Books to Explore our Rights

Article 28 - Children and young people have the right to education no matter who they are.  

Article 31 - All children have the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities and to participate freely in cultural life and arts. 


At the end of the spring term we took a selection of Rag members to toppings book shop in Bath to purchase some books to help children learn about their rights. These books cover a range of topics such as diversity, environment and equity and are available for children to access through the school library. 



Fundraising and Awareness

Article 23 – Children with disabilities have the right to live a full and decent life.

Article 27 – Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical and social needs.


Thank you to everyone who has contributed towards our fundraising and awareness days so far this year. Bullying Awareness week, World Mental Health Day and Children in Need have been great successes. We raised a total of £680 for Children in Need. Thank you very much for your kind donations. It was lovely seeing how many children arrived in school in their spots to support the cause! 


Children in Need



Christmas foodbank collection 

We have also been thinking about the lives of children who live closer to home, and this December organised a collection of food for two local foodbanks.


Litter Picking 

The children love our sessions litter picking so that they can look after the school and the wildlife which they have learnt shares our spaces. We have safety equipment to ensure their wellbeing and they know how to put things in our child friendly recycling bins which are around the school/playgrounds. 



Mental Health Day 

Pupils and teachers came to school with mismatched socks to raise awareness and fundraise. Wearing mismatched socks on Odd Socks Day is a conversation starter. It gives people the opportunity to talk about bullying, acceptance, and the importance of being kind to one another. It's a chance to remind everyone that it's okay to be themselves



Food tasting

Children had the exciting opportunity to taste our food menus and vote on the most popular choice, based on some feedback from pupils about our vegetarian/vegan options. 


Raising money for Ukraine

Thankyou to everyone who supported our efforts to raise money for Ukraine at our recent coffee morning.  This was organised by our RAG group. 



Guided school's Partnership


This year we are proud to have joined up with a school in Ghana alongside the British Council.  We will be exploring how the children from different communities have fair and equal access to their rights, and working towards a climate change project together.  With thanks to Miss Davies who has organised this and will be leading it with our year 5 pupils. 

World Children’s Day 

In November we marked World Children’s Day by revisiting the Global Goals for Sustainable development, as well as launching some campaign work related to global warming. This is a day to advocate, promote and celebrate children’s rights and importantly to translate this into discussions and actions that will work towards a better world for children.





Newsround have created this informative video outlining Children’s Rights at 30 years old: