Year 2
Year 2 - Term 3
Year 2 Staff
- Teachers - Miss Reid, Mrs Patch, Mrs Delaney (Monday- Wednesday) and Mrs Lester (Thursday/Friday)
- LSAs - Mrs Banger, Mrs Burchill, Mrs Garland and Miss D
- PE Teachers - Mr Boon & Mr Evans
Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.
As a proud 'Rights Respecting School' we learn about the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Our class charters set out what both adults and children must do to ensure children can enjoy their rights.
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year! Welcome back to Term 3!
This term our enquiry switches to a Geography focus where we explore the question 'How are all forests the same?'. The children will be looking at what makes a forest, how they survive and comparing forests around the world. In Science, we will be looking at 'Healthy Me' and investigating what we need to stay and be healthy. For Computing, the children will be learning about taking and editing pictures based on the world around us.
Please see the Year 2 Term 3 Medium Term Plan at the bottom of the page which details the learning taking place in all subjects.
Key Dates
Tuesday 7th January - Term 3 begins
Friday 14th February - Last day for Term 3
All children will need a PE kit consisting of:
PE Kit Reminders:
White T-Shirts
Black/Navy Shorts/Tracksuit Bottoms/ Leggings/ Skorts
As of this term children are to wear their PE kit into school on their allocated day, they will stay in this all day. They do not need to keep their PE kit in school.
This year, our PE days will be on the following days.
- 2VR - Monday AM - Mr Evans
- 2DL - Wednesday AM - Mr Boon
- 2P - Friday AM - Mr Boon
Home Learning
Reading- Please try to read with your child regularly as it really does make a huge difference. Also, please remember to write in their reading record every time you read with them along with a short comment as books can only be changed if we know they have been read. Children should read their books at least twice before bringing them in to change and be able to answer questions about the book as reading comprehension is a huge focus in Year 2. Finally, in Year 2, children are allowed to change their own reading books, allowing them to choose books which really appeal to them. Due to sharing a library, each class has allocated days on which they can change their books (See below).
- 2VR - Book changing on Wednesdays and Fridays
- 2DL - Book changing on Tuesdays and Fridays
- 2P - Booking changing on Mondays and Thursdays
Spellings - Throughout the year the children will take a weekly spelling test. Spellings will be sent home at the end of each term. Please encourage the children to practise these as often as possible. The school subscribes to the Spelling Shed online learning platform which provides the children with online games to help them practise their weekly spellings. Logins can be found stuck in the children's reading records.
Exception Words - Exception words are common words whose spelling may not follow the usual rules of phonics, therefore making them difficult to spell. By the end of Year 2 the children should be able to recall their correct spelling from memory. Please continue to support the children with learning the spelling of the words highlighted on the sheets which will be given out at Parent's Evening.
Homework - The children will also receive weekly homework. This is given out on Fridays and needs to be handed in by the following Wednesday. The work set will consolidate the children's learning from that week in school. The children should be able to complete the homework independently although some support/supervision is useful.
Back to School Year 2 information
Phase 5 Sounds & Actions