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West Town Lane Academy

Where the learning journey is an adventure


As members of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, we are committed to reducing the number of bullying incidents that occur at West Town Lane Academy. As part of our commitment, we have representatives from across the year groups to stand as Anti-Bullying Ambassador. Here are our ambassadors for this year.

The Role of an Anti-Bullying Ambassador

We are thrilled that we are a Silver ‘Anti-Bullying Alliance’ school.


Here at WTLA incidents of bullying are rare but we know that bullying can happen. If you have a concern please see your class teacher in the first instance and we will aim to resolve the matter quickly.


Senior members of staff responsible for dealing with incidents of bullying across the school are;

Mrs Franklin

Mrs Lewis (EYFS)

Mr Rayner (Year 1/2)

Ms Davidson-Sault (Year 3/4)

Miss Jones (Year 5/6)


These adults may be involved supporting your child, yourself, and your class teacher if you have a concern about bullying. Below are some useful links to websites and downloads;

We use the 10 Key Principles charter to underpin our strategies. 

The A-B-A believes bullying is…

repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.


Our staff believe bullying is…

choosing to hurt somebody, face to face, online or physically.  It is usually targeted at people who are believed to be weaker than others, sometimes because they are different.


Our children believe bullying is…

being mean to someone over and over again.  Sometimes it’s hurting their feelings or sometimes it’s hitting them or kicking them.  It happens when grown ups aren’t looking.  It can happen online.


‘They [pupils] value everyone’s contribution and everyone is warmly accepted and cared for. Older pupils support younger ones thoughtfully and with kindness. Pupils say that bullying is rare. They have confidence in staff to sort out any issues quickly.’ Ofsted 2019

We know that teaching pupils about racism and discrimination and celebrating diversity and inclusion is an important part of creating an Anti-Bullying culture. The link below provides useful resources that may support parents/carers and family members when discussing these topics.  

Helping My Child to Understand Racism and Discrimination and to Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion