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West Town Lane Academy

Where the learning journey is an adventure

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

In Term 6 we will be continuing to study a Geography based Enquiry called 'How do UK capital cities compare?' 

If you have any resources at home to help with our learning such as guidebooks, maps or souvenirs from your UK travels, we would love to see them. We would especially would  like to see any souvenir fridge magnets you may have from the U.K.  as this will link to some Science work we will be undertaking. 

Please find below the medium term plan for Term 5. This  shows details of our main areas of study over the course of the the term for all subjects. This maybe subject to slight changes as the weeks progress.


Year 3 Staff

  • Class teachers  – Mrs Davidson-Sault (3DS) with Miss Pringle (Apprentice teacher), Mr Calloway (3C),Miss Haines(3H)
  • TAs- Miss Groves and Mr Gonzalez
  • PE Teachers – Mr Boon and Mr Evans
  • Cover Supervisor – Mrs Burt


P.E. Days

3C - Friday AM - Mr Boon

3H - Friday AM - Mr Evans 

3DS - Thursday PM - Mr Boon 

P.E kit reminders: Pupils are to wear white t shirts, black/navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings/skorts



As always, please can you ensure all belongings and items of clothing are clearly named. Pupils will need to bring a filled water bottle to school each day. They may also bring a pencil case and hand sanitiser for their own use in class. We would also ask that pupils do bring a coat to school every day as we go outside even if the weather is not dry!


Key Dates

3.6.24 Start of Term 6

19.6.24 Sports Day (3DS in AM), 3C and 3H (PM).

21.6.24 Non uniform Day

24.6.24 3C and 3DS local Geography fieldwork trip 

25.6.24 3H local Geography fieldwork trip

3.7.24 Year 3 Samba performance . 9.15 start

5.7.24 Summer Fair 5 - 9 P.M.

22.7.24 KS2 Disco 3.30 - 5 .00 

23.7.24 Last Day of Term 6


Spellings– Tests will take place each week.

Times Tables– The pupils will be sitting a National Times tables test in Year 4 and so we will be working towards their success in this. All pupils are encouraged to use the TT Rockstars App as much as possible; just 10 minutes a day can have an impact on their times table knowledge. If there are any problems with the app or you have misplaced a log-in, please let your class teacher know. A weekly trophy is given out in assembly to classes  who have done particularly well using this. Please note that children do need to use a range of methods to learn their multiplication facts such as learning by rote, singing songs, recording answers to questions before they test themselves using TT Rockstars.

Homework – This will be given out every Friday in Homework books and will be expected back on Tuesdays. There will be 10 questions related to our learning from that week. If pupils are lacking confidence in answering any questions we would encourage them to think about what they could do to solve the problem. E.g they could look at displays in the classroom, look in their book in school etc 

Reading– We will be reading with the pupils in school on a 1:1 basis and within teacher led groups. Please continue to read regularly with your child at home as it really does dramatically improve their attainment and confidence. As well as decoding words it is really beneficial to ask your child questions on what they have read e.g. To work out the definitions of new vocabulary, discuss why a character did or said something, recall an event and what happened. When you have read with your child at home please record this in their reading record as there will be  a class reward system for those children who have read 3 x a week or more at home. Pupils will have the opportunity to change their Reading books twice a week.

If you able to offer your help to come into school to hear class readers then please let your child’s class teacher know. We will be very grateful for this help.


Article 29: Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

As a proud ‘Rights Respecting School’ we learn about the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Our class charters set out what both adults and children must do to ensure children can enjoy their rights.



From left to right: Miss Haines, Mrs Davidson-Sault, Mr Calloway.

From left to right: Mr Gonzalez, Miss Pringle, Miss Groves.