Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Year 5's class teachers are Miss Davies (5D), Miss Hughes (5H) and Mr Calloway (5C).
Term 3 and 4
Our enquiry is ‘How does China compare to the UK?'
Below is our termly plan so that you are aware of what your child will be learning during this term. There may be slight changes, but we will endeavour to stick to this plan as closely as possible.
PE Times
5D - Monday AM - Mr Boon
5C - Wednesday AM - Mr Evans
5H - Thursday PM - Mr Boon
PE Kit Reminders:
White T-Shirts
Black/Navy Shorts/Tracksuit Bottoms/ Leggings/ Skorts
Mornings and End of the Day
Please ensure that the children arrive to school no later than 8.55am. If ever there is an issue with this, please do not hesitate in ringing the school office.
It would be hugely appreciated that the child arrives at school with a water bottle already full so that they can maintain hydration throughout the day. They must also bring a coat, no matter what the weather is like at 8am.
If you have a message for us, you can either: write a message in their Reading Record and ask them to let us know about it, or you can email the office to arrange a 10-minute meeting with you. Unfortunately, we cannot have a lengthy conversation at the beginning or end of the day.
The end of the school working day in Year 5 is 3.25pm; if you are collecting your child, please arrive no later than this time in order to hand the children back to you as efficiently as possible. If you would like your child to leave the classroom on their own, then please fill in the form on your Schoolcomms account. There is also an after-school club, which you can sign your child up to; if you are interested, speak to the office for more information regarding this.
Homework (including reading and Times Tables Rock Stars)
Your child should receive homework every Thursday, to be completed for the following Thursday. We encourage the children to have their best attempt at the ten set questions which will relate to that week's Maths, English and Foundation lessons. They will also be given spellings to practise each week.
We also would like the children to read at home at least 3 times a week. Because they are now in Year 5, they can read individually and write in their own Reading Record as evidence. We would appreciate it if you could read with your child if ever the opportunity arises; there are hints and tips in the Reading Record to support you with this. There should be a list of child-friendly reading targets stuck in their Reading Records, which you can refer to if you find it useful.
Please encourage your children to use the Times Tables Rock Star application/website as much as possible; just 10 minutes a day can have a huge impact on their times-table knowledge. If there are any problems with the application, or you have misplaced a log-in, please let your class teacher know. The expectation is for Year 5 children to reach Rock Star on the studio setting by the end of the year. If your child is at that level already, they should still log on and reaffirm themselves as a Rock Star to prove they haven't become rusty.
Rights Respecting Schools – UNICEF
All of Year 5 have signed class charters at the beginning of the year to agree on how our rights will be respected by pupils and adults throughout the school.
The main articles that we felt were appropriate for our class setting were: 12, 13, 14, 24, 28, 29, 30 and 31.
For a full list of articles please click on the link below: