E-Safety Advice for Parents
The government have released some useful tips to help support your children and keep them safe online.
Here at WTLA we use the scheme 'Switched on Computing' which comprehensively teaches children how to keep safe online, including cyber bullying and the law. E-Safety is also taught as part of our Jigsaw PSHE curriculum. Alongside this, each year we take part in the national Safer Internet Day, usually in early February. Look out for information on our 'Online Safety' surgeries which will run before and after Christmas. During this session we will talk to you about the curriculum content covered in each year group.
We have leaflets which provide handy tips for children and parents that can be downloaded here;
The NSPCC have developed this easy to read guide with top tips for keeping children safe online. It can be downloaded here;
Lots of other useful tips and guidance leaflets can be found in the carousel in the main school Office.
Please do not forget that most social media sites require children to be at least 13 years of age to use their services. Our biggest request is that Parents/Carers have open dialogue with their children about their online activity, and that you regularly monitor this.
If you have any concerns about E-Safety, please speak to your class teacher. If your concern involves an alleged cyber-bullying incident, your class teacher will speak with senior members of staff in the school in order to support you and your children.
The Computing curriculum lead is Mr Wright. The Online Safety lead is Mrs Whiddington. Other people who will be able to help you are Mrs Lewis (EYFS leader), Mr Rayner (Year 1/2 leader), Ms Davidson-Sault (Year 3/4 leader) and Mr Thomas (Year 5/6 leader).
Safer Internet Day 2024 aims to raise awareness of the European strategy for a better internet for kids (BIK+) which recognises that every child in Europe should be protected, empowered and respected online. Please see below some useful links if you would like to explore this topic further: