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West Town Lane Academy

Where the learning journey is an adventure

Equality, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

West Town Lane Academy is proud to be an inclusive school where the achievement, well-being, and perspective of every individual matters. Our vision and ethos reflect our commitment to ensuring that every child feels valued, supported and empowered to reach their full potential.


In a safe, supportive learning environment, we strive to provide the highest quality education, guidance, and care for every child in our school.



Equality is a core principle at West Town Lane Academy and is embedded in all aspects of school life. Whether through daily classroom activities or strategic leadership decisions, we apply an equality-focused approach to ensure that we meet the needs of our community and create a positive impact for all pupils across each protected group.



Equity is central to our mission at West Town Lane Academy. We understand that fairness does not always mean giving everyone the same resources, but rather ensuring that each individual receives the support they need to succeed. This means recognising and addressing barriers to learning, whether they be social, economic, or academic, and working to remove them. Our staff are dedicated to identifying and meeting the unique needs of each child, ensuring that all pupils, regardless of their starting point, have the opportunity to thrive. Through targeted interventions, additional resources, and personalised learning strategies, we ensure that every child has access to the same opportunities for success.


Positive relationships between staff and pupils are at the heart of our academy. We prioritise building strong connections from the outset, ensuring that every child and their family feel welcomed and supported, as this sense of belonging is key to success and personal fulfilment.

While West Town Lane Academy is a happy and harmonious place to learn, we acknowledge that challenges may arise. What is most important is how these challenges are addressed. Our academy is committed to an anti-discriminatory approach and takes a proactive stance in fostering an inclusive culture both within the school and in the wider community. We have robust systems in place to ensure that any incidents are thoroughly investigated, addressed, and used as learning opportunities to promote understanding and respect.

Our curriculum is designed to reflect diverse perspectives and ensure that every child can see themselves in their learning. We encourage all pupils to discover their passions and talents, providing opportunities to shine in various areas, including PE, music, and enrichment activities. Children who require additional support are given priority in accessing extra-curricular activities, ensuring that they have equal opportunities to thrive.


At West Town Lane Academy, we recognise that every child is unique. While some may have specific needs that require additional support, we believe that no child should be defined by a label. Instead, we focus on providing the right level of care and resources to ensure that all children receive what they need to succeed and flourish.