Year 1
Medium Term Plan
Reading Skills Dogs
Handwriting letter formation
Welcome to the Year 1 Home Page
Welcome to Term 3! We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas break! Our enquiry this term is 'What did Brunel do for us?' which is described in further detail below. Please see our Medium Term Plan (to be uploaded shortly) for information on what content we cover this term.
You will find information on our current term’s enquiries and important dates below.
Year 1 Staff
- Teachers - Mr Rayner, Miss Pringle & Miss Simmonds.
- LSAs - Miss Buckley, Miss Andrews, Miss Groves & Mrs Law.
- PE Teachers - Mr Boon & Mr Evans.
PE days
- 1S - Monday Afternoon - Mr Boon
- 1R - Tuesday Afternoon - Mr Evans
- 1P - Friday Morning - Mr Evans
Dates for your diary:
- Tuesday 4th February - Image Theatre - The Jungle Book
- Thursday 6th February - Year 1 Trip to The SS Great Britain
- Friday 14th February - Friends of School Non-Uniform Day
This term our English foci are journey stories and information texts. The texts we will study are 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'Come to Brilliant Bristol'. Children will be studying the features of these different texts and focus on non-negotiables such as full stops, capital letters, finger spaces and time conjunctions.
In Maths we will be learning to work with larger numbers (to 20) including adding and subtracting.
This term our enquiry is called 'What Did Brunel Do For Us?'. During this enquiry we will learn about the life of Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his many achievements. In Science we will learn about animals that live in or near the sea and the impact humans are having on the environment. Further details about our enquiry and our learning in the wider curriculum can be found in the Term 3 Medium Term Plan (to be added shortly).
Reading is crucial to everything in year one as it allows children to access more and more knowledge, as well as providing a basis for success writing and maths. While the school encourages children to read to adults at home 3 times a week, we would recommend building a daily reading routine from the outset and in year 1 we do not set homework in order to allow for this. Many parents find this daily routine easier to remember and prefer morning or last thing at night reads - whatever fits best into your busy schedule.
Children can change their books on the days below-
- Tuesday 1S
- Tuesday 1R
- Wednesday 1P
Reading at home
This year children will get 2 books a week. One book is a decodable book for your child to read to you! One is a 'sharing book' (usually larger than the decodable) which you can read with/to your child to inspire the love of reading and instill the wonder of being read to. Reading books will continue to be changed once a week. Children need to read their 1 book repeatedly to build up the essential skills of fluency. As adults we would find this boring, but children thrive on repetition to build confidence and essential reading skills.
Reading Skills
We will continue to read new texts each week in order to enhance our reading skills. In year 1 we use the Twinkl Reading Dogs to talk about different reading skills. See the attached document below to learn more about Inference Iggy, Predicting Pip, Rex Retriever, Sequencing Suki and Vocabulary Victor and bring them and their question types into your daily reading at home.
From Term 3 the children will take a weekly spelling test. During Term 3, each spelling test will consist of 5 common exception words which the children have already encountered in school. Spellings will be sent home at the end of each term. Please encourage the children to practise these as often as possible. The children can use the provided practise grids to practise their spellings but this is not compulsory as different children prefer to practise their spellings in different ways. The practise grids do not need to be returned to school.